Monday 20 June 2011

Why do people lose hair??

Most men experience hair loss as they age and actually many women also experience hair thinning. So why does this happen and is there anything we can do about it.

Sudden Hair Loss

Sudden hair loss is rather different but worth mentioning. Some people can experience a type of alopecia where hair loss is very sudden. This can be due to a toxin (e.g. chemotherapy), mental trauma or other medical disorders. If you have very sudden hair loss in clumps then you should definitely visit a doctor.

Gradual Hair Loss

If your hair loss is gradual over a period of years then you have age related hair loss. This is most common in men due to the presence of testosterone (male hormones) and its by-products. It can also occur in women but usually only causes hair thinning and is complicated by other factors.

Male Pattern Baldness

The reason a man goes bald in the "W" shaped pattern is due to this testosterone by-product. What happens is that the by-product named "DHT" causes the hair follicles to lose nutrition with time.

Year after year, your hairs get thinner and thinner with each new cycle until eventually the follicle cannot produce any more hairs.

Added information
there are significant differences between the races. Japanese men have less loss than caucasian men. Black men are four times more likely than their caucasian counterparts to suffer hair loss. Women of all races also suffer loss in the same proportions but, because of the difference in hormones, it is loss in the volume of hair rather than its physical distribution or patterning. This makes women’s hair more difficult to plat or braid, ponytails hang more limply, and so on. Alopecia areata is an immune disease that mostly cause women hair loss.Differences are noted by those who market hair loss products and changes how different brands are sold into their target markets

Curing Your Hair Loss

Drugs and natural cures work the same way. They take away DHT and they improve access of the hair follicle to your bloodstream where the nutrients are. The result is that your hairs get thicker and stronger again.

Even bald patches that are four years old or less can be encouraged to produce new hairs. This is because they contain hair follicles that are dormant but not dead. If renutrified, they can start to produce hairs again that are thin to start with but will grow quicker with every cycle.

Why face baldness when you don't have to? Discover the 100% natural alternative to bad drugs that you can use to stop your hair loss and regrow your hair here
 564 diseases can cause hair loss

now everybody needs to prevent their crown from losing its glory

AIDS - in the later stages


Scalp disorder

Scalp fungal infection

Psoriasis - if affecting the scalp

Eczematous inflammation

Male pattern baldness (lack male hormones)

Hereditary baldness

Normal aging

Nervous hair pulling - usually in children

Excessively tight hair accessories

Excessive shampoo or hair-drying

Childbirth - hair gets stronger during pregnancy and falls out after birth.

Poor diet

Chronic fever (see Fever)

Telogen alopecia

Anogen alopecia


Bacterial folliculitis

Scleroderma morphoea

Ethnic hair plaiting

Regular hair braiding

Regular use of hair rollers

Cessation of contraceptive pill

Rapid weight loss

Psychological stress

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